Hello everyone! OK, so to say it's been a while could well be understatement of the year. I have been out in the good old US of A for a wee bit visiting friends, galavanting around and working on some lovely animal projects. In summary, it's been fab but it was so nice to hop back across the pond and see the fam, friends and beloved bf.

After a summer of little in the way of a hair&skincare routine, almost no make-up whatsoever and the blazing Arizona sunshine, the pampering commenced very shortly after landing back on English soil and I've got loads to talk about in the way of MIRACLE products.

My skin had a horrendous breakout almost immediately after landing. I think it was a combination of a dramatic climate change, stress, exhaustion and hormones. Of course this led to a 'meh' slump, however only two weeks after whipping out the old routine, my skin is looking gorge (if I do say so myself!). So stay tuned for my recommendations if you're keen!

Expect more structure to this blog and lots of beauty tips (and terrors) to follow. But, for now, I shall leave you with one of my favourite pictures of the summer!

Mega Love xx

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